Any time we had a question or concern, Octavio responded immediately...
In spring 2023, we had our kitchen remodelled and had a positive experience with Able Remodeling. Remodeling is always tough in some ways (especially if you are living in your house, as we were), so it is important that you feel you can trust and problem solve with your contractor. We had a great relationship with Able's new owner, Octavio Ortega. Octavio has an engineering background and was able to explain and problem solve on structural issues (not unexpected, as our house is nearly 100 years old) and a good mind for tracking all of the details that a kitchen remodel requires. I'll admit, I'm good at tracking details too, but I was often pleasantly surprised whenever I learned that something I was concerned about had already been taken care of.
Octavio was responsive throughout the project.
Any time we had a question or concern, Octavio responded immediately and assured us it would be resolved to our satisfaction. I don't think we ever went more than a day without hearing back from him, which was important to us when we were in the midst of the project. I can imagine the worst feeling would be to think you are being ignored when your house is a construction zone. We never felt ignored by Octavio.
The lead contractor and assistant on our site did solid work. We were pleased that most aspects of the job were done right the first time. I often work from home, and would frequently hear the lead contractor explaining to the assistant how to do the work correctly. For example, I remember one conversation about how to cut and place the backsplash tile in the corners of the kitchen so that the cuts would be least noticeable.
Honestly, our backsplash install is just beautiful. Whenever we raised concerns (e.g. we needed to have some of the trim work redone),
the team addressed our concerns quickly. We also appreciated their attention to little details, like adding extra pieces to the corner floor boards to soften those edges for our pets.
They were also just a friendly group of people, easy to have in your house day after day.
Additionally, our "punch list" of those little items that have to get fixed before the job is completely done were completed in a timely manner and we were not asked to pay the balance on our account until everything was done.
Pricing was fair and Octavio communicated clearly with us whenever we had a "change order" that exceeded our allowance for an item. The balance due at the end of our project was not a surprise at all.
Obviously, no project is without its hiccups, and there were days when we were frustrated, but in the end,
we have a beautiful kitchen and feel good about the experience and the people we worked with. We have asked Octavio about future projects and
will absolutely work with him again if given the opportunity.
We highly recommend Able Remodeling to others.
Alisa K.
Tacoma, WA